Excursions around Memmingen in spring
Experiencing the awakening of spring on a bike tour along the Iller (Iller bike path between Oberstdorf and Ulm) is simply wonderful and in the evening after the sauna/steam bath you can end the day with a glass and a small snack from the menu while the battery is on being charged at the charging station can only do the soul good.
But a round on the golf course (courses nearby) is a stress killer.
A few examples of excursion destinations around Memmingen in spring

places of interest
Memmingen – Maustadt – historische Stadtmauer
Buxheim - hochbarockes Chorgestühl in der Kartause (10 Min.)
Lindau am Bodensee (35 Min.)
Füssen im Allgäu mit den Königsschlössern (40 Min.)
Ottobeuren (30 Min.)
Bad Wörishofen – Kneippkurort Therme (30 Min.)
Altusried – Freilichtbühne
Illerbeuren – Bauernhofmuseum (20 Min.)